Massive Social Security Number Breach!

Massive Social Security Number Breach!

Massive SSN Breach—Is Your Business Safe Imagine waking up one morning and discovering that your most sensitive personal information – such as your Social Security number – has been leaked online. Unfortunately, this isn’t just a hypothetical scenario;...
Is Complacency Your Cybersecurity Blind Spot?

Is Complacency Your Cybersecurity Blind Spot?

Is Complacency Your Cybersecurity Blind Spot? When it comes to cybersecurity, one of the biggest threats to your business isn’t a faceless hacker in a dark room; it’s complacency. Many business owners and managers fall into the trap of thinking that if...
Travel Smart: Data Security Tips

Travel Smart: Data Security Tips

Travel Smart: Data Security Tips Planning a trip is always exciting, but keeping your personal information safe while on the go is extremely important. Here are some simple and practical steps you can take to protect your digital privacy when you’re travelling....
Why In-sourcing Cybersecurity Increases Your Risk

Why In-sourcing Cybersecurity Increases Your Risk

Why In-sourcing Cybersecurity Increases Your Risk As a business owner, you’ve probably considered whether it’s better to handle cybersecurity in-house or to outsource it. On the surface, in-sourcing might seem like the more cost-effective option, giving...
Don’t Fall for the Mystery Box Scam

Don’t Fall for the Mystery Box Scam

Don’t Fall for the Mystery Box Scam Scams are becoming more sophisticated every day, and one of the latest trends is the “mystery box” scam. These scams target average homeowners and business owners alike, often through enticing emails or flashy ads on...
Your Employees: The Human Firewall

Your Employees: The Human Firewall

Your Employees: The Human Firewall These days, data privacy is not just a concern for tech companies; it’s crucial for every business. Imagine a scenario where a simple slip-up with sensitive information could lead to significant financial loss, damage to...