What Is Microsoft Secure Score?
What Is Microsoft Secure Score? Security is a priority no matter the size of your business. Recognizing this, Microsoft has a Secure Score measurement in its 365 Defender dashboard. But what is Secure Score, and how does it help your business? This article explains...
Encourage Better Work Habits with Microsoft Viva Insights
Encourage Better Work Habits with Microsoft Viva Insights Productivity has always been important at work. Yet our awareness that well-being factors into productivity is newer. Microsoft is getting in on that trend with its Viva Insights offering. This article shares...
Making the Most of Microsoft Lists
Making the Most of Microsoft Lists If you have Microsoft 365 but aren’t using Microsoft Lists, you could be missing out. This useful feature, which is included with your 365 subscription, helps businesses work more efficiently. Lists is a productivity feature on...
Why Wait to Upgrade to Windows 11 at Home
Why Wait to Upgrade to Windows 11 at Home Upgrade. Always upgrade. It’s a persistent mantra for technology. And, after all, what homeowner doesn’t want to have the latest-and-greatest tech available? Still, you may want to wait to upgrade to Windows 11 if you have the...