Why Do People Create Viruses?
Why Do People Create Viruses? You’d be right in thinking it’s hard to program a computer virus that can spread across the world in a flash – we’re talking days of constant desk-jockey nerd-work. So why do they bother? Well, it generally comes down to 3 reasons:...
Why You Need Professional Virus Removal
Why You Need Professional Virus Removal “Your computer has a virus.” Such a dreaded five words! We don’t want to come down with a human virus; we’ll feel awful and miss work. But when a virus hits our computer, we could lose valuable information or be vulnerable to...
Your Antivirus May Be Letting You Down
ALERT: Your Antivirus May Be Letting You Down The best way to avoid a computer virus is by using common sense, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be safe from attack. Even the most careful user can find themselves infected in an instant and spreading the virus faster than a...
Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System
Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System Anti-virus programs don’t catch viruses when they’re not running. Yes, it’s blatantly obvious, but what’s not always clear is how often your staff are disabling your anti-virus programs so they can...