Cloud Services & Migration Hosting

The most visible benefit of cloud migration is the inherent feature of flexible server resources. Cloud computing can scale up to support larger workloads and greater numbers of users far more easily than on-premises traditional legacy infrastructures.

Most companies that move to the cloud often vastly reduce the amount they spend on IT operations, since the cloud providers handle maintenance and upgrades. In an era when the competition has become fierce, every business is looking for cost-effective solutions to remain profitable.

For most businesses, moving to the cloud can enable them to improve performance and the overall user experience for their customers.

Users, whether it’s your employees or customers, can access the cloud services and data they need from anywhere. This makes it easier for your business to expand into new territories, offer services to international audiences, and let your employees work remotely from anywhere.
types of migration

IaaS Cloud Migration
In IaaS cloud migration, the server is moved from a local or shared hosting server to a dedicated cloud server. Post-migration, data, and application must function as intended on the new IaaS server. The migration can often take longer than expected and is usually undertaken by developers because of the complexity of data dependencies and application functionality.
PaaS Cloud Migration
Migration to a PaaS Cloud solution is not as complicated since the solution’s primary purpose is to make the process easier for all users. The assumption here is that business owners don’t have the technical expertise to handle the process of migration to the cloud. This is accomplished through a browser-based UI/portal that facilitates the migration process. While a user with moderate technical knowledge can initiate the PaaS cloud migration process, the chances of issues during the process are still there.
SaaS Cloud Migration
Migrating to a SaaS Cloud solution can take up time, as the process of moving from local or shared hosting to the SaaS cloud happens in phases. The first part of the process usually comprises of setting up the basic structure of the application. Once the developers make sure that everything is working correctly, the addons and supporting components are moved on to the SaaS server.
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